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Friday, January 21, 2011

Dream Log

 Don't read this is you are squeamish...
Now don't judge me when I describe this...but I had a weird but awesome dream last night.
I was in my graveyard that I visit sometimes in my dreams. It is in the middle of this old neighborhood my Aunt Patty and Uncle Jon used to live in Kansas City. All The gravestones are old and interesting and some have that tiny iron fencing around them and some are crumbling above ground cement enclosures. I have to admit that I love graveyards...I'm not some Emo goth person, but I love looking at the names and dates...I have this affinaty for the past.
Anyway, the next part gets really, really freaky, at least for those who might be reading this...
I see that the ground is caving in around a grave...I look down in it and there is a coffin that reminds me of this jewelery box my grandma gave me; its a sort of 70's-ish, eggshell white, gold trimmed box, something you'd find in an antique  store around where I live. The coffin is open and the half-decomposed corpse of an old woman is sticking out...its not a gross kind of decomposition (if that kind even exists)...but you could tell she was buried for a while. Her face looked like it was hallow or features. For some reason I got her and the coffin up out of the ground and brought her to the person who runs the graveyard so they could re-bury her...
I know it is extremely weird, but I always have dreams about seeing dead bodies...and they are never gross or bloody, but not quite mummified and not freshly dead. Or, even being in a graveyard and seeing crumbling graves and I always really want to see inside. Curiosity? I suppose.
My first dream like that I will always remember. I went down into a crypt like the one in Claremore in the Will Rogers museum...and there on a slab was Harpo Marx and there were candles. It was very weird. But I loved the dream and I love all these dreams...the feeling I get from them is so interesting. I know I am sounding soooo weird and crazy right now. I mean, I even love going to Rose Hill cemetary here in Tulsa at Admiral and Yale. I have several relatives buried there and my mom and I would go there every year to decorate their graves. I always loved that.

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