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Sunday, December 12, 2010

What it feels like to have Asperger's Syndrome

This is an article I found. You can download it at

What it feels like to have Asperger's Syndrome
I Want You to Ask Me.

I want you to ask me. Although you may not understand the answer…

Desolate. You are walking through streets of a desolate city that you have always lived in, and yet you don’t know your way around. It’s bright and dusty, and despite the sheer volume of things going on, it’s quiet and surprisingly bland. It’s what you might imagine a city would look like after a nuclear war.

As you walk around, you see people who are shuffling about, although you can’t tell where they are going or what they are trying to accomplish. And unfortunately, everyone’s faces look almost the same. There are people you have known your whole life, and yet when you look at them, their faces are so similar that sometimes it takes several seconds to tell one from the other.

One thing you do know about this place is that there are rituals, rules, and restrictions which seem (to you, at least), to be highly illogical. The unfortunate thing is that violations of this conglomeration of protocol can have highly detrimental consequences. But because the rules seem illogical, it’s difficult to predict what is and is not ok. The laws are easy to follow because regardless of the logic, they are clearly defined. It’s the unwritten rules which are almost scary, because violating them means losing a job, ruining a relationship, and ridicule.

They speak your language in this place, but that doesn’t mean communication comes easily. Many of the words still mean the same thing, but there are just enough differences that while you know misunderstandings are very possible, it’s difficult to know when the misunderstanding is actually occurring. Unfortunately, the people around you don’t know that these misunderstandings are possible, so although you are on alert, the other people around you are sure that you mean what they think you mean. And when you try to clarify, it only becomes more confusing to them. Add to this that the others are physically accustomed to the debris of the nuclear mess, but it makes you very sick. The others can’t understand why sometimes you have to wear a mask, so you are ridiculed for that, too. You may even lose your job for wearing it. (But you’ll also lose your job for being out sick from not wearing your mask.)

There are many beautiful dimensions to the strange world, but they need to be found. They are secret places that are hard to find. Like the colorful butterfly garden hidden in a warehouse, and the sunrise which you can only see with your blinder goggles on. There is grass between your toes, but only when your eyes are closed. There are things which you see in this place which you love, so you cling to them. When you see a blooming tree with pink blossoms, you spend many hours sitting under it because it shelters you from the blistering sun, distracts you from the others passing by, and calms you in a way that the others just don’t understand. But you cling to it nonetheless.


I find myself having anxiety about a lot of things lately....but c'est la vie? I'm going to graduate soon...maybe. At the art college, I really don't have any close friends. For one, I live in Broken Arrow which is about 25 minutes away so I don't find myself at the college as often as others and for some reason, any extra social activities arise a lot of anxiety and if I must go, I force myself to do so. Also, I would rather spend any extra time I have with Kris or even by myself. It is really exhausting if I stay at the college to paint or whatever because I have to turn on my social button. Having Aspergers, social cues do not come naturally to me. At times they do, especially if I feel comfortable. But I always feel this obligation to impress people around there. It's probably a self-invented obligation, though. Small talk is a struggle. These things are so bothersome, these little hang ups I have. They have been holding me back and I would like to find a way to get some treatment for them. I also have great anxiety about going places out of town on my own or with people I am not close to. My painting class wants to "meet up" in New York City in the Spring, and its the last thing I want to do. The only way I would want to go is if Kris went with me. But we have no extra money and Kris has to work all the time. It really bothers me that at 27 years of age, this sort of thing is an issue for me. But, during the last year, learning that I have ADD and Aspergers, has helped put a name to these quirky things that I have always been very ashamed of.
I am also worrying about when I graduate...what if I never really do anything with my art? I know I have the potential, but will I have "the balls" to really do anything? I really don't want to move. I have family and friends around here that I don't want to part with.
I have great difficulty in making new friends. But, I have really been trying to get passed that. When I was younger, much of these things that I have described were much worse. I learned when having a conversation with someone to smile when I was supposed to, laugh when it is appropriate, show concern when its needed, make eye contact to show that I am listening, and so on. Its so funny to learn that these things come naturally to most people. But during a conversation, things are the things that I am telling myself to do. Not with everyone, though. Some people I feel comfortable enough with not to worry about "appearing normal".
Its just exhausting to go through the level of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed by the simplest tasks like doing the dishes. Even when I am writing this, I am worried about appearing as too negative or whiney. I guess I need to get passed that. Its okay to bitch about things once in a while. I don't always need to act like I am a person who has no complaints because others have it worse than me.
Saying that, it does make me feel better to end on a positive note. I see that my Aspergers has actually, in a weird way, given me a gift. I still see things through the eyes of a child. I see the magic in this world that most others forget about. I guess that's why "real life" makes me feel so overwhelmed. Its all about work and money. I feel that I have to be successful to be worthwhile. But in my heart, I know what really matters and what makes me happy. Kris makes me happy. The thought of being a mother makes me happy. Being creative and making things, little projects like the plates I am making right now makes me happy. My family makes me happy (at times LOL). My little chihuahua Gonzo brings me joy. The Beatles are a source of happiness in my life.
Apparently, a part of Aspergers syndrome is the tendApparently obsessed with certain things, and mine for the last 13 years has been the Beatles, even though I have not taken to the extreme; I don't have time, money, or the patience for that, LOL. At first, I would get little things like Beatles figurines and posters, records and such...but those things just sit around the house doing nothing. I see some people that are obsessed with things that cover their walls with that subject and spend all their energy on it, like in this documentary I saw called "I Think We're Alone Now". The main person in the movie had Aspergers and what completely obsessed with the girl who sang that 80's song that shares its title with the movie. I mean like obsessed to the point of being delusional. It make me feel weird after watching it because I could see how it could happen. But then I felt better about myself because I actually am extremely tamed compared to this person...actually, compared to a lot of Beatles fans I am very tamed. I may be able to answer a lot of basic Beatles trivia, but hell, when I played Beatles trivia pursuit, I gave up lol.
So, for now, I am done ranting. It feels good to just come on here and pour it all out. I find that I write much better than I can communicate, so this is a great outlet. Thanks for reading this if you have!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Engagement photos

Yes, we are already married, but I don't have all the wedding photos yet. But I do have the engagement photos. They were taken by Encre Photography in Tulsa. They turned out pretty cool.