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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Funny Gonzo

funny momments in life

Okay, I was brushing out my curly hair to straighten it and getting on Yahoo to check my email when a funny little thing happened:

Monday, August 30, 2010


Still needs to be altered...WAY to big in the bust and WAY too long...that's what I get for getting a "custom-made" dress off the internet LOL

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Poem for the Mother of the Bride

Momma's Little Girl
by Mery McNett

I'll always be Momma's little girl,
no mater how old I get.
I was always your little pearl,
always your little pet.

I'll always remember that Christmas when I was three,
when you played Mickey Mouse with me
right there in front of the tree.
We were in my Popples tent, remember that?
And when I said "shut" up it was something to jest at.

When I was sick you were always there
to take care of your little Mer-Bear.

Christmases and Birthdays have always been the best!
And because I have a mom like you,
I know that I am truly blessed.

You made sure we got what we wanted,
no mater how crazy it might be.
Remember that Christmas
when I wanted a Doc Brown wig under the tree?

I remember that when I forgot my Little Lamb,
you never ceased to knock down every door to find it,
like my mommy of a battering ram.

I was a child with a wild imagination
and you encouraged it without hesitation.

I'll always love you with all my heart,
I always have,
right from the start.

A poem for the Father of the Bride

My Daddy-MON
by Mery McNett

When I was a little girl,
a ponytail with a little bit of curl,
you told me that I was filled with sugar and spice,
mixed in with just a dash of nice.

On my birthday when I turned three,
I proudly declared "He Daddy man!";
calling you "Uncle Bob" was just plain crazy.

Even though that was terribly cute
what I said next made me laugh 'till I let out a lil' toot.
You weren't "Uncle Bob", and "Daddyman" was a good ploy,
but I thought that the name you wanted most was the lovely "Fat Boy".

At bedtime a stage was lit, the curtains pulled,
and "The Show of the Bear" was performed
a memory that I keep lovingly capsuled.
And let's not forget good ol' Mr. Poopy-Putt-Putt,
whose antics were like a routine of Lou Costello and Bud Abbott.
And the stories of when you were a little boy always had me in stitches,
especially when you sat outside eating fig-newtons,
listening to your friend get kicked his britches.

Remember the first time we saw a cartoon fart?
It was Ren in a bathtub.
That memory is locked deep in my heart.

As I got older, my hormones made me scream, cry and yell,
and my young life's decisions were not made very well.
I have had a hard time becoming an adult,
and since I inherited my anxiety from you,
Its all your fault!

I'm really just kidding! I know I was a stoopid kid,
But being there for me when I need you
was something you always did.

Now I'm  an adult, but not yet really rightfully considered one,
but no matter how old I get and where I go,
you will always be my "Daddy-MON".............................

.............NO FAT BOY!